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Paved path through a forest, symbolizing the structured journey of healing for children and teens in grief therapy.
Forest path winding through trees, symbolizing the healing journey for children and teens in grief and trauma therapy.

Children + Teens


At Creating Space Therapy, we understand how deeply loss and trauma can impact a young life. Whether your child or teen is facing the aftermath of a traumatic event, grieving a significant loss, or struggling with the emotional weight of ongoing challenges, our approach is tailored to meet their unique needs. We are here to help your child process and heal in a safe, nurturing environment, while also offering you the support and understanding you need as you walk this path together.

Sound like you?

"I’m worried my child isn’t coping well after the loss; they seem withdrawn and distant."

"My teen is struggling to express their emotions after the trauma; I don’t know how to help them."

"I fear the impact of this trauma will affect my child's long-term mental and emotional health."

"It’s heartbreaking to see my child overwhelmed by grief, and I feel helpless to ease their pain."

Many parents find themselves deeply concerned when their child or teen begins to struggle with the overwhelming emotions of grief or the lingering effects of trauma. You might notice your child becoming withdrawn, no longer engaging in activities they once enjoyed, or struggling to express their emotions in ways that feel healthy or familiar. It’s natural to worry about how these experiences will shape their mental and emotional well-being in the long run, and you may feel helpless as you watch them grapple with intense pain or fear. As a parent, it’s incredibly difficult to witness your child or teen struggle, especially when you are navigating your own grief or trauma alongside them. These concerns are not only valid but also common, and it’s important to seek the support both you and your child need during this challenging time.

Modern constructed bridge leading into a forest, symbolizing the transition into healing and growth for children and teens in grief and trauma therapy.

There is hope for healing and recovery, even in the midst of pain.


At Creating Space Therapy, our child and teen therapists are dedicated to helping young people navigate the complex emotions that come with grief and trauma. We understand that every child’s experience is unique, and we offer a compassionate, tailored approach to meet them where they are. Through a combination of evidence-based practices and a nurturing environment, our therapists work to empower your child to process their emotions, build resilience, and reclaim a sense of safety and well-being. We also support you as a parent, providing guidance and understanding so that you can feel confident in helping your child heal. Together, we can help your child or teen move from a place of pain and confusion to one of hope and strength.

Road lined with yellow-leaved trees and snow-capped mountains in the background, symbolizing the journey of healing and resilience in grief and trauma therapy.

34 N. Island Ave., Ste F
Batavia, IL 60510

1315 Macom Dr., Ste 208

Naperville, IL 60546

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Signs That Therapy May Be Needed

Whatever your child has experienced, you might be beginning to notice the impact in different facets of their life:

Your child or teen seems unusually sad, withdrawn, or uninterested in activities they once enjoyed

You notice significant changes in your child’s mood, such as increased irritability, anger, or mood swings that seem out of character.

Your child struggles to talk about their feelings or appears overwhelmed by their emotions, leading to frequent outbursts or emotional shutdowns.

There is a noticeable decline in your child’s academic performance, or they are having difficulties with friends, such as increased conflicts or isolation from their peers.

Your child experiences ongoing problems with sleep, such as nightmares or insomnia, or changes in eating habits, either eating significantly more or less than usual.

Your child frequently complains of headaches, stomachaches, or other physical symptoms that don’t have an obvious medical cause.

Winding path surrounded by tall trees, symbolizing resilience and the journey of healing for teens in trauma therapy.

It may feel impossible now, but your child can find peace and regain their sense of joy. And we can help them get there.



Emotional expression and regulation

Therapy provides a safe space for your child to express their emotions and learn healthy ways to manage and regulate them. This helps reduce emotional overwhelm and promotes a more balanced emotional state.


Building resilience and coping skills

Through therapy, your child can develop coping strategies and resilience, empowering them to navigate future challenges with greater confidence and strength. These skills are essential for their long-term emotional and mental health.


Restoring a sense of safety and stability

Therapy helps your child rebuild a sense of safety and stability, particularly after a traumatic event. This creates a foundation for healing and allows your child to feel more secure in their daily life.


Improving relationships and communication

Therapy can enhance your child's ability to communicate their needs and feelings, leading to healthier relationships with family, friends, and peers. Improved communication fosters stronger connections and reduces misunderstandings.

Trauma Therapy in Batavia, Naperville and online in Illinois at Creating Space Therapy

Creating Space Therapy is the Best Choice for Your Child's Healing Journey

At Creating Space Therapy, we understand that choosing the right support for your child or teen during such a vulnerable time is a significant decision. You want to ensure they receive the best care possible—care that is not only effective but also compassionate and tailored to their unique needs. This is where our practice truly excels. We are committed to providing your child with the highest quality of care, grounded in both expertise and empathy. Here’s what sets us apart:

Specialized Expertise in Grief and Trauma

Our therapists focus exclusively on grief and trauma, making them true experts in these areas. This deep specialization ensures that your child or teen receives the most informed and effective care tailored specifically to their needs.

Innovative, Cutting-Edge Approaches

We offer a range of advanced therapeutic techniques, including EMDR, somatic therapy, and expressive arts. These approaches are designed to meet your child where they are, helping them process their experiences in a way that feels natural and empowering.

Compassionate, Personalized Care

At Creating Space Therapy, we believe in honoring each child's unique journey. Our therapists create a safe, supportive environment where your child can heal at their own pace, with a personalized approach that recognizes and respects their individuality.

4 Things to Know about Grief and Trauma in Children and Teens

Road lined with trees, symbolizing the road to recovery and emotional healing for children and teens in trauma therapy.

Grief and Trauma Are Experienced Differently at Different Ages

Children and teens process grief and trauma in ways that are unique to their developmental stage. Unlike adults, who often have more advanced emotional and cognitive tools to understand and articulate their feelings, younger children may not fully grasp the concept of loss or trauma, and they might express their emotions through behavior changes, such as increased clinginess, aggression, or withdrawal. Teens, on the other hand, may struggle with a sense of identity and control, leading them to either shut down emotionally or act out in ways that might seem confusing or alarming to parents. Understanding these differences is crucial in recognizing how your child or teen might be silently struggling and how to support them through these challenging emotions.

It's also important to note that a child’s or teen’s response to grief and trauma can evolve as they grow older. A child who seemed to cope well with a loss or traumatic event when they were younger might reprocess these feelings differently as they enter adolescence. This is why ongoing support, such as grief and trauma therapy, is essential—it helps them navigate these evolving emotions at every stage of their development. At Creating Space Therapy, we tailor our therapeutic approaches to meet your child where they are developmentally, ensuring that the care they receive is both age-appropriate and effective in helping them heal.

Grief and Trauma Can Impact a Child’s Development

"Little t" trauma refers to experiences that are not life threatening but have a significant, lasting impact on your emotional and psychological well-being. These are the kinds of experiences that often aren’t labeled as traumatic, yet they can be deeply damaging. Examples include psychological abuse from an emotionally immature parent, enduring manipulative or narcissistic behaviors from a partner, coping with the betrayal of infidelity, managing ongoing financial stressors, or being the target of bullying. Each of these experiences can leave emotional scars that affect how you see yourself and interact with the world.

These "little t" traumas erode your sense of self-worth and security. They often lead to chronic anxiety, feelings of helplessness, or difficulties in forming healthy relationships. Because these experiences are often dismissed or downplayed, those who suffer from them might not recognize their need for support, believing that their struggles aren’t “serious enough” to warrant attention.

At Creating Space Therapy, we understand that trauma comes in many forms, and "little t" traumas are just as valid as more obvious, catastrophic events. Our certified trauma therapists in Batavia, Naperville, and online are here to help you process and heal from these experiences. We provide a safe space where your feelings are acknowledged, and your experiences are treated with the importance they deserve. Whether it’s emotional abuse, betrayal, financial stress, or bullying, we’re here to help you reclaim your sense of self and find peace.

Road winding along a forest with mountains, reflecting the journey of healing and resilience in grief and trauma counseling for teens.
Gravel road leading into the forest, symbolizing the path to healing and emotional growth in grief and trauma therapy.

Expressing Grief and Trauma Isn’t Always Verbal

Grief and trauma have the potential to deeply affect a child’s emotional, cognitive, and social development. During critical developmental stages, a child’s ability to form secure attachments, build self-esteem, and develop healthy coping mechanisms can be disrupted by the overwhelming emotions tied to grief and trauma. For example, a child who experiences trauma may develop heightened anxiety or fear, which can interfere with their ability to concentrate in school or engage in social activities. Similarly, unresolved grief might lead to feelings of isolation or depression, making it difficult for them to form and maintain relationships with peers. These challenges can have a lasting impact, shaping the way a child interacts with the world around them and influencing their future well-being.

Early intervention is key to preventing these potential long-term effects. Therapy provides children and teens with a safe space to explore and process their feelings, helping them develop the emotional tools they need to navigate their grief or trauma in a healthy way. By addressing these issues early on, we can support their emotional resilience and promote positive developmental outcomes. At Creating Space Therapy, our therapists are trained to recognize the signs of developmental disruption and work closely with your child to ensure they continue to grow and thrive despite the challenges they have faced. We believe in the power of early support to not only heal but also to foster strength and resilience that will carry your child through life.

Healing Is Possible with the Right Support

While the impact of grief and trauma can feel overwhelming, it’s important to remember that children and teens are remarkably resilient. With the right support, they can navigate their emotions, heal from their experiences, and emerge stronger. Therapy plays a critical role in this process by providing a safe space for your child to explore their feelings, learn coping strategies, and gradually regain a sense of normalcy. Through targeted therapeutic interventions, children and teens can develop the emotional tools they need to manage their grief and trauma, helping them to rebuild a sense of security and confidence in their daily lives.

At Creating Space Therapy, we believe in the power of healing and the potential for every child to recover from even the most challenging experiences. Our therapists are dedicated to helping your child or teen not only process their emotions but also build resilience for the future. We use evidence-based approaches, such as EMDR, somatic therapy, and expressive arts, to support your child’s healing journey. With patience, compassion, and the right therapeutic guidance, your child can find their way through the pain and rediscover joy and peace in their life. Healing is not only possible; it’s achievable with the right care and support.

Rugged walking path through a forest of tall trees, symbolizing the challenging journey toward healing in grief and trauma therapy.


Frequently asked questions-

  • What is grief counseling, and how can it help me?
    Grief counseling provides a supportive space to process your loss and navigate the complex emotions that come with it. At Creating Space Therapy in Batavia and Naperville, IL, our certified grief counselors help you understand your grief, develop coping strategies, and work towards finding peace and meaning in your life after loss.
  • How long does grief counseling typically last?
    The duration of grief counseling varies depending on your unique needs and the nature of your loss. Some clients may find relief in a few sessions, while others may benefit from longer-term support. Whether you visit us in our Batavia or Naperville, Illinois offices or opt for online telehealth sessions, we’ll tailor a plan that works best for you.
  • Is grief counseling only for those who have lost a loved one?
    Grief counseling can be beneficial for any type of loss, including non-death losses like the end of a relationship, job loss, or significant life changes. If you’re struggling to cope with any loss, our certified grief counselors in Batavia and Naperville or through online telehealth, can help you process your feelings and move forward.
  • Can I receive grief counseling online?
    Yes, Creating Space Therapy offers online telehealth grief counseling for residents across Illinois. Our certified grief counselors provide the same compassionate, expert care as in-person therapy in Batavia and and Naperville offices, allowing you to receive support from the comfort and privacy of your own home.
  • How do I know if I need grief counseling?
    If you find that grief is affecting your daily life—making it hard to connect with others, focus on work or school, or feel any sense of hope—grief counseling could be helpful. Our certified grief counselors at our Batavia and Naperville locations and through online telehealth are here to provide support and help you navigate this challenging time.

Free Download!

Get our completely free eBook that teaches you concrete skills to cope with the big, heavy, deep emotions that come with grief and trauma.  We hope to help ease your suffering by guiding you in developing healthy coping skills.

8 Steps to Coping with Heavy Emotions eBook

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